i took Pete's drill with me as i needed more holes drilling in the bottom of the carrot tubs for water drainage and also needed to drill some holes in the metal poles that are near the blackberry bush so that i could put some more wire supports in , i dont think i'll get much fruit this year it's only the second year of growth
After my drilling skills were put to the test :) it was then time to start planting my first earlies callum dug a trench whilst i put more manure in the trenches weren't very straight but i made sure the potatoes were in a straight line
same as last year 2 rows of foremost hoping they will do as well as last year
filled with more manure then mixed in a bit
potatoes are in a straight line not really that bothered it doesnt make them grow any better
here we go 2 rows in one more to go but that will be another day
Also have some shocking news from the allotment it's about RATS i hate rats more than anything else so imagine my horror when i moved a bag of manure and saw a hole in the ground!! i knew instantly it was a rat hole so callum who cLaims he isn't scared filled it with pebbles the bag had been chewed through but no further signs of Mr rat no more holes or chewed bags we moved them for now....
im More than a bit horrified !!!
Later callum was in the area and jumped back quick this made me scream like an idiot much to the delight of other plot holders!! turns out he got stung my a nettle felt such a fool!!
Well the planting season of 2012 has begun on the allotment and my greenhouse is getting very full with various veg and flowers :)